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"500 Internal Server Error" while accessing .php files Print

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In 90% of cases such kind of problem can be solved by client and does not need Administrator rights. Usually the error "500 Internal Server Error" appears when: * .PHP files have incorrect permissions. For example , if you try to run PHP file with 777 permissions or PHP file is located in the folder with 777 permission, then "500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR []" will be generated. Please check the article "Permissions for *.php files []" for more info. * .HTACCESS file has incorrect directives. For example, when someone tries to use .HTACCESS file to change PHP variables like: php_value register_globals On For this purpose you should use o n l y PHP.INI [] file. Anyway If you are not sure what can be wrong in _.HTACCESS_ file just try to access your php script without _.HTACCESS_ (temporary remove or rename it ).

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